/** * * OH BOY! A HUMAN VISITOR! * **/ I made this file specially for someone like you, the name is Patxi, and the game is... Not a game, I'm a self-taught CODER, (like that, in caps and all). And as such I enjoy all sorts of riddles and games. So I have this little challenge for you if you have the time. Maybe you have the time but not the skills. Do you? MUOJS FUO JZQP TU PNYRDILP PIYBFHTPS PKDZJ? KF HOCJZY QPF ZG DT QPFCDGP DIS KF OGPB IDKP ZG HNZ. GPIS DIFTRZIL FUO MDIT DG JUIL DG ZTG ZI GUKP QZIS UW YUSP TU YBFHTU DT HDTNZHZPBYP YUK. Wanna get in touch? Try: /* TEAM */ Me: Patxi Pierce From: They call it Earth, but its mostly water. /* THANKS */ To coffee, my elixir of productivity. /* SITE */ Last update: 2025/01/30 Language: English / Español / Portugês Standards: HTML5, CSS3, PHP Components: All my own stuff! Tags-ffs and a gazillion Phern extensions. Software: From the kitchen to the table; Debian, Caddy, PHP, Composer, JavaScript.